The EEB is the environmental voice of European citizens. We stand for environmental justice, sustainable development and participatory democracy. Our goal is a healthy environment and rich biodiversity for all of Europe. Created in 1974, the EEB is now Europe’s largest federation of environmental organisations with 140+ member organisations who gain their membership from the general public. Because of this, we are guided by the voices of 15 million European citizens, and act as the ears and voice of its members towards the EU decision makers.
Within the EEB, the Global Policies and Sustainability Unit (which corresponds to the former ANPED) will lead Work Package 12 (dissemination) because of its reach with many stakeholders in society and as an umbrella organisation for civil society. It will also participate in activities related to the Ecological Debt, and corporate liabilities (WP8, W9, W10)
Leida Rijnhout is director for Global Policy and Sustainability at the EEB. She studied cultural anthropology and has years of field experience in development cooperation. As executive director of ANPED – Northern Alliance for Sustainability, she advocated the “strong sustainability” approach at the UN, OECD and EC. She was also leading an international working group on ecological debt and environmental justice. Her themes: ecological economics, sustainable economy, sustainable consumption and production and resource justice. She is Organising Partner for the NGO Major Group, facilitating their participation in the SDG/post2015 process at UN-level. Her professional life is within the CSO-movement. She’s Dutch and speaks Dutch, English and Spanish.
Nick Meynen is Project Officer for Global Policy and Sustainability at the EEB. He has degrees in geography, conflict & development and journalism. Nick publishes in various media and has authored books on globalization in Nepal and on nature education. Since 2008 he disseminates output from European science in society projects related to ecological economics and environmental justice. He also wrote a study on ecological debt and is a tutor in EJOLT’s online course. He’s Belgian and speaks Dutch, French, English and some Nepali.