EJOLT report 17: A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice
The report can be downloaded here.
The annex/online library is here.
The executive summary is here.
The endless increase of environmental injustice in the world is directly impacting more and more people on a daily basis. While impunity seems to be the order of the day, the need for procedural justice is growing. Making the most of the competences and knowledge brought together under the EJOLT project and its work on Law and Institutions the CDCA has compiled a manual that presents a number of legal tools and concepts already used by EJOs all over the world.
These concepts and tools from the civil and criminal system at international, regional and trans-national levels are presented together with interactive links to more details and technical information and to useful contacts for legal strategy capacity building of EJOs.
Keywords: Procedural justice, Legal strategies, Criminal law, Civil law, Environmental law, Environmental crime, EJO capacity building
Authors: Lucie Greyl and Angèle Minguet