The UAB is a large university (>30,000 students), and one of the top research universities in Spain. ICTA-UAB hosts interdisciplinary researchers working on climate change, biodiversity, industrial ecology, with a strong group in Ecological Economics, Integrated Assessment, Political Ecology. UAB will coordinate and manage the EJOLT project, and contribute scientific expertise to several Work Packages.
Joan Martinez-Alier. Project coördinator. Professor at the Dpt. of Economics and Economic History (UAB), founding member and past president ISEE, and member of the scientific committee of the EEA (2000-2008), member of the advisory board of the TEEB project. Main research lines: environmental history, the foundations of ecological economics, ecological distribution and valuation, North-South environmental conflicts and environmental justice, and biodiversity conservation.
Leah Temper. Deputy coördinator. Lecturer at the UAB (2008-2010) in Environmental Sciences and Economic History, degree in Communication Science (Concordia Univ. Montreal), Master in Economic History (UAB), PhD Cand. in Env. Sciences UAB on social metabolism and conflicts. Co-Coordinator of FP7 project CEECEC (Civil Society Engagement with Ecological Economics), 2008-10.
Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos. Deputy coördinator. MSc Ecological Economics and Environmental Management, PhD Cand. in Environmental Sciences UAB. Lecturer at the UAB (2005-2008) and at two Mexican universities (1996-2003). Her research interests are the socio-economic dimension of biodiversity and ecosystem services, water management and socio-environmental conflicts, with field experience in Latin America and Europe. Scientific advisor of the Catalan river basin authority since 2007.
Hali Healy. Master in Development Studies (Univ. London), at present deputy coordinator of FP7 project CEECEC (Civil Society Engagement with Ecological Economics) 2008-10.
Marta Conde. Degree in Agricultural Engineering (UPC),Post-grad in Environmental Sciences (Birkbeck College, London) Masters in Ecological Economics (UAB), PhD Cand. In Environmental Sciences UAB. Her present research is focused on uranium mining and the implications of the current nuclear and uranium expansion. She is currently coordinating Spanish MCINN funded project on Social Metabolism & Environmental Conflicts and helping in the coordination of the Nuclear Workpackage in EJOLT.
Federico Demaria. Economist (University of Bologna) working on ecological economics, political ecology and waste policy. He has a Masters degree in Environmental Studies from the UAB. Currently he is a PhD student working on waste and environmental justice. He has studied cost-shifting, in particular toxic waste dumping (Case study: shipbreaking in Alang – India). He is now working on wastepickers, both in the South and North. Current research focuses on the (unequal) distribution of benefits and burdens linked with social metabolism processes. He is also interested in the exploration of the idea of sustainable de-growth.
Marina Utges. Marina Utgés. Financial Manager. Degree in Political and Administration Sciences (UPF – 2004) and Postgraduate course in Accounting Management and Administrative Control (IDEC – 2010). 5 years’ experience in financial and project management of research projects (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Ramon Llull University).
Mariana Walter. Phd candidate at ICTA, UAB. Her thesis addresses mining conflicts in Latin America. She is interested in social metabolism, expert-lay knowledge interplay, institutional changes at different scales and the role of decision-making mechanisms in environmental conflicts. She holds a Masters diploma in Environmental Studies (focusing on Ecological Economics) and has participated in research projects in Argentina (UNGS) and Europe (ALARM, CEECEC). Currently she works with Prof. Joan Martinez-Alier in the ENGOV Project, an European funded project that aims to develop a framework for sustainable and equitable natural resource use.
Daniela Del Bene. She studied International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Triest (Italy) and Anthropology at the University of Turin (Italy) and the University of Heidelberg (Germany). She has worked on water issues, specially regarding large dams and hydropower and human right to water. Her main research fields are India, Italy and Latin America. She is currently a Phd candidate at ICTA-UAB and works on the Ejolt map of environmental conflicts.
Christos Zografos. Postdoctoral Fellow. Visiting Lecturer for masters programmes at the University of Edinburgh (UK) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic). Prior posts: Scientific Co-ordinator for FP7 SSH CLICO; Lecturer in Environmental Economics, Scottish Agricultural College (currently SRUC). Main research lines: political ecology: study of power and politics of environmental conflict and change; ecological economics: relevance of plural values and deliberative democracy for environmental decision-making.