Liabilities and Valuation

The need for strong valuation and deliberation is rising among Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs). Depending on the objectives of their action, economic valuation of environmental liabilities for the preparation of court cases, policy recommendation and stakeholder deliberation, different tools and methodologies can be used. Building on its internationally acknowledged expertise in economic and environmental valuation, elaboration of sustainability indicators and deliberation support, REEDS (Research in Ecological economics, Eco-innovation and tool Development for Sustainability) will support EJOs involved in EJOLT in their quest for economic valuation of environmental liabilities and reinforce them in their attempts to obtain redress through court cases or other means, as well as make policy recommendations to organisations or institutions as needed. As this action cuts across issues and supply chain cases, REEDS will work closely with the coordinators of other work packages, to build the capacities of the EJOs involved, as well as provide methodological support and training materials.
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Helen Scharber, School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College, USA As its title intimates, Ecological Economics from the Ground Up starts with case studies of environmental justice activist struggles, mostly from …
EJOLT conference on environmental justice: the report
After 4 years of work by around 100 people in over 30 countries, the EJOLT conference on environmental justice showed what the international project on Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and …
Latest Liabilities and Valuation Resources
When to count the damage? Economic tools for evaluating liabilities in environmental justice struggles
[BRUSSELS, 20 October 2014] MEDIA RELEASE. The health and environmental implications of fossil fuel exploitation, nuclear waste or mining-related pollution are some of the more well-known effects of the increasing energy …