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Alf Hornborg: ecolog. unequal exchange

In this 2th part of his talk with Firoze Manji, Alf talks about the ‘fetisjization’ of technology while also explaining why he makes exceptions to his fundamental technology critique for IT and medicine – passing through Marx on its way. The two men talk on examples of consumer blindness and in the end Alf comes to his main argument of ecological unequal exchange; “In the seventies people like Samir Amin said that in international trade there is a net transfer of embodied labor time embodied in the produce exported from less developed countries. Simply put: labor exploitation. I would add that there is not only unequal exchange of labor-time but also unequal exchange of natural space.” Another 18 minutes of thoughtful talk!

Professor Alf Hornborg is a partner in EJOLT and works for the human ecology department of LUND university in Sweden.

This podcast is part of a series produced by Firoze Manji for EJOLT, in collaboration with EJOLT partner CCS. All podcasts will be aired on his program AfrobeatRadio, broadcast by WBAI in the US to around 500.000 listeners