
The Shell Case in Nigeria
1. Factual background The land tenure and access to resources have always been the source of numerous conflicts, often violent, in the Niger Delta. The colonial administration did not alter the traditional …

The Rio Tinto Case in Papua New Guinea
1. Factual background The company Rio Tinto has an extensive history of conflicts related to human rights violations and environmental damage, and over the years numerous countries have been affected. The …

Rio Tinto in Namibia: the Connelly Case
This fact sheet reports the case of a uranium mine worker in Namibia who suffered health damages about two decades ago, and his legal battle against one of the largest …

Expansion of commodity frontiers in Québec: fracking on Anticosti Island
Background Anticosti Island (49°30′N 63°00′W), nicknamed the ‘Pearl of the St. Lawrence’ is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is approximately 225 km in length, and 56km at its …

Talvivaara Mine Environmental Disaster
Introduction Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. established in 2004 and acquired permits to commence nickel mining in the Sotkamo area of Eastern Finland (Figures 1 and 2). Metals production commenced in 2008 …

Garifuna resistance in Vallecito: land grabbing for palm oil plantations and drug trade
Introduction Vallecito is a small village located on the northeastern coast of Honduras, within the Limón municipality, in the department of Colón (Figure 1). Honduras’ Caribbean coasts are home to the …

Shale gas exploration in the Parana basin, Brazil
Introduction Shale gas is methane (natural gas) that is trapped underground in impermeable shale rock. For this reason, shale gas does not flow through the rock like conventional natural gas, so …

The Eucalyptus monoculture in São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, Brazil
Introduction São Luiz do Paraitinga (Figure 1) is a city located in the Valley of Paraíba in the São Paulo area. The municipality covers an area of 617 km² (Oliveira, 2011) …

The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project in British Columbia, Canada
Introduction & Background The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is a project that would establish a new pipeline, twinning an existing pipeline from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia. This …

Pigneto Lake, Rome
Introduction Pigneto lake (Figure 1) is the only natural lake in Rome, Italy. It lies in the district of Pigneto and is formed from mineral water sources (acqua bullicante). Pigneto is …